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Topics Research Paper On Racism
Thursday, September 3, 2020
The role of knowledge in operation management in general Essay
The job of information in activity the board as a rule - Essay Example Information is seen as the most basic asset in any association that desires to flourish. The board of the asset is thus seen as a control utilized for distinguishing, gathering, sorting out, capacity, and utilization of information. Right now, organizations work in a profoundly serious condition and henceforth there are more factors that lead to big business achievement. Beforehand, a company’s achievement was dictated by venture of capital, size, and capacity of work, and accessibility of crude materials. Be that as it may, an organization’s level of information advancement from directors is a principal impact of achievement and legitimate administration. Information the executives has been on the front during this new time where associations run in a serious market. Activity the board generally utilized isn't a proper technique because of the ascent in worldwide rivalry. Information in activity the board helps in overseeing data, mastery, and information through the activity the board procedure. There are additionally information the board frameworks that help supervisors in improving educated goals (Waltz, 2003). Throughout the years, there has been a need to catch and disseminate information in associations, and secure it like some other significant resource. Activity chiefs should help during the time spent utilizing information belongings and data assets. They are likewise answerable for directing information resources from procurement to application, by utilization of controlled techniques. Information in an association is implanted and passed utilizing various angles checking strategies, conventions and personality, framework, schedules, report, and individual employees’ associations (Dwivedi, Butcher, 2009). Information in activities the executives is worked by utilization of HR, auxiliary assets, specialized assets and social assets. Joined they aid appropriate utilization of
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 11
Contextual analysis Example This paper investigates this inquiry concerning the Wal-Mart’s reception of an automated planning framework from the Kronos. Wal-Mart is confronted with the moral predicament of receiving an automated planning framework for its representatives, which will accelerate the booking of its employees’ work shifts. The supporters of the privileges of laborers were emphatically against the move contending on the effects the selection of the modernized framework would have on the lives of the laborers. Point that the senior supervisors, who physically completed the timetable course of action, generally did the planned work of booking laborers at the Wal-Mart’s large box stores. The store manager’s choices depended on past year’s week after week deals information and the store advancements. The way toward planning the workers was customarily a tedious procedure that took the senior supervisors an entire day. It is critical to take note of that the manual booking of the representatives by the head supervisors was a costly undertaking given the way that Wal-Mart works various stores. The wo rk force that was required to plan the Wal-Mart representatives physically delivered insignificantly valuable outcomes to the organization, in this manner costly. The utilization of the mechanized arrangement of planning workers in Wal-Mart the general efficiency of the booking procedure was accomplished inside a brief timeframe for all the stores. The reception of the Kronos booking framework is of extraordinary advantage to the organization because of its adaptability, cost proficiency, cost adequacy, just as improved profitability. It is additionally huge to take note of that the senior supervisors, with the selection of the electronic planning framework, would now be able to focus on the successful administration of their particular stores. The automated worker booking framework by the Kronos has a proficient arrangement of following exchanges, deals by singular pressure, client traffic, and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Apple iphone analysis Essay Example for Free
Apple iphone examination Essay The telephone begins ringing, were going to get it and when we contact it, the ringer volume adroitly goes down! Indeed! Today an organization like HTC could make this sort of cellphone. Since the dispatch of the IBM Simon in 1993, cell phone innovation has arrived at levels that up to this point had just been envisioned about. Highlights, for example, remote sharing, HD video recording and versatile web are presently ordinary and today’s normal cell phone has more handling power than PCs utilized by NASA to land a man on the moon. Everywhere throughout the world, the cell phone experience is being shared by an ever increasing number of individuals consistently. The intermingling of portable communication, Internet administrations, and individualized computing gadgets is bringing about the development of a â€Å"mobile Internet†(Ishii 2004; Funk 2001). The key gadgets for getting to the portable Internet - as of now named â€Å"smartphones†are ground-breaking new figuring gadgets offering customary remote voice administration just as local programming applications and, maybe in particular, the capacity to interface with and run a heap of Internet-based administrations including email, geo-area, gushing video, and person to person communication, while giving a decent client experience. The business openings introduced by this new classification have pulled in a large number of the major worldwide data and interchanges innovation (ICT) firms, including firms from the versatile communication, PC, Internet, and individual computerized associate (PDA) ventures, into a complex new scene of rivalry. For huge numbers of these organizations, catching a part of the all out worth made by the cell phone industry is accepted to be a key to future development and benefits. The intrigue is justifiable. Today more than 1. 3 billion cell phone handsets are being sold yearly, and in 2010 cell phones made up practically 20% of that complete (Gartner, 2010; Ahonen, 2010). Deals of cell phones are expanding practically 100% every year, and absolute worldwide deals volume is relied upon to outperform that of PCs by 2012 (Gartner, 2010). By crumbling the limits between beforehand particular gadgets, cell phones are subsuming deals of cell phones altogether and, progressively, netbook and note pad PCs. To confound the scene, the cell phone isn't the main gadget in question, tablets and digital book perusers are rising as key segments of the versatile universe. Over all gadgets, all out versatile incomes including promoting, memberships, handsets, applications, etc are gauge to outperform $1 trillion by 2014 (Gartner, 2010). Given the rate at which cell phone are infiltrating the market and part costs are declining by 2015 there will be, at any rate, 2 billion shrewd cell phones being used comprehensively. As indicated by the directions we should make a report with a hierarchical marketable strategy structure to portray current circumstances of Apple Inc. /iPhone division, and afterward examine quality and shortcoming of the organization. I will begin with SWOT and PESTEL investigation. At that point we audit the best power on iPhone creation with Porters 5 powers. At that point we will examine Apple iPhone Growth and piece of the overall industry top to bottom with BCG network. I utilize for the most part 2012 figures to attract a state-of-the-art picture from Apple iPhone creation and market circumstance. Ansoff lattice will be the following investigation which encourages us comprehend iPhone showcase entrance and how it arrived at enhancement. Apple is a major organization with a few items and administrations that give along items. Every item has its own market. It is conceivable to utilize numerous components and consolidate related measurements for examining an organization with various item. Be that as it may, for this situation we are required to examine cell phone industry as it were. I utilize late figures (2010 to 2013) for examinations. For brands examinations I think about Apple, Samsung, HTC, ZTE, and RIM (BlackBerry). For set objectives and making the report’s goals we ought to determine what we need. It is required to demonstrate quality and shortcomings of cell phone segment. As I would like to think shortcomings are increasingly significant. They could develop in any territories, for example, creation lines, innovative angles or selling procedure and cause large disappointments. Unmistakable quality and shortcomings will be recognized and afterward will be coordinated with political, social, mechanical and ecological variables. Industry power will be evaluated utilizing Porter’s 5 powers investigation. This examination groups solid and feeble focuses inside 5 powers: Threat of new participants and substitute items, bartering intensity of providers and clients, and section contention. These powers break down smaller scale condition. For full scale factors we could investigate PESTEL examination. For piece of the overall industry and development investigation Growth-share framework (BCG lattice) will be utilized. This technique demonstrates an item quality utilizing its business incomes. iPhone position will be resolved among 4 BCG matrix’s classifications: Star, Cash cow, Dog and Question mark. Apple iPhone as another item in examination with existing items inside another or existing business sector will be investigated utilizing Ansoff grid. Result shows that iPhone as another item in 2007 was superb. 270,000 units were sold around then. Extending the idea of the showcasing blend is significant for organizations that need to adjust to new markets. For instance, simply putting an item in stores isn't sufficient. A producer with retail outlets additionally needs to consider physical condition and design. The store ought to pass on the correct look and feel, driving customers to develop positive relationship with the brand. Items inside the store ought to be shown legitimately and reliably, in the areas clients would check first on the off chance that they were searching for explicit things. As a result of every one of these elements a total expanded showcasing blend (7Ps) will be introduced. Worldwide Smartphone pattern The worldwide cell phone showcase has been encountering dangerous development throughout the previous quite a while. Rivalry has stayed furious all through, however the numbers dont lie. Two innovation titans command the market, taking an astounding 92% of piece of the overall industry for themselves. These two organizations are Google and Apple. Information with respect to cell phone deals during Q4 2012 has come out during the most recent a few days, proving how much individuals everywhere throughout the globe need to get their hands on a cell phone. After a brief glance at the data, it becomes apparent that the top of the line telephone advertise is a one of the most extraordinary oligopolies of the 21st century. With the arrival of Blackberry 10 only two days away, speculators are beginning to inquire as to whether there truly is any room left for Research In Motions most recent contribution. Cell phones are taking off the racks. As indicated by Strategy Analytics, worldwide cell phone shipments have expanded from 490. 5 million during 2011 to 700. 1 million during 2012, which is generally 30% development year-over-year. In the event that anything, there is space for disturbance inside the business: individuals will continue purchasing more telephones. As the market develops, in any case, so does Androids piece of the pie: Android went from having 48. 7% of the market in 2011 to an astounding 70. 1% in Q4 2012. Apples iOS has likewise developed somewhat, catching 22% of the piece of the overall industry before the finish of a similar period. What amount is there left for every other person? As of Q4 2012, a pitiful 7. 9%. The achievement of the iPhone, Pre, and Blackberry shows the quality of buyer interest for a keen, multifunctional gadget. The intrigue of the cell phone will make huge new income streams for transporters and designers, who ought to endeavor to make new help packages that work off this portable stage with united video, voice, and information applications. Future Smartphone deals figure Smartphone deals blew past the quantity of PCs sold a year ago, and theyll be almost twice PC deals this year, examiner Alex Cocotas of BI Intelligence predicts. Additional frightening, cell phone deals will surpass 1. 5 billion units for each year by 2016. This thinks about to around 350 million PCs and 1. 7 billion portable handsets sold universally a year ago. Cell phone deals will be driven by two fundamental components, BI Intelligence says: Replacement of about 5 billion dumbphones with cell phones (cell phones right now make up just 10% of handsets around the world) Price decreases. The normal cost of a cell phone will drop from about $315 a year ago to $200 throughout the following quite a long while This will clearly hugy affect the versatile Internet economy, which is as of now detonating from the development of cell phone infiltration in the previous scarcely any years. Some different features from the report: Cell phone unit deals will develop at almost a 30% compound yearly development rate throughout the following five years Smartphones will speak to around 66% of all cell phone buys by 2016, Smartphones will be a $320 billion market by 2016. These estimates are a lot higher than those of other industry investigators, who for the most part expect cell phone unit deals to hit around 1 billion per year by 2015. Mac Mission and Vision proclamation Apple structures Macs, the best PCs on the planet, alongside OS X, iLife, iWork and expert programming. Macintosh drives the computerized music unrest with its iPods and iTunes online store. Macintosh has rethought the cell phone with its progressive iPhone and App Store, and is characterizing the eventual fate of portable media and processing gadgets with iPad. Apple vision explanation: Apple is focused on bringing the best individualized computing experience to understudies, instructors, imaginative experts and buyers around the globe through its creative equipment, programming and Internet contributions. Apple Background On December 2012 The Economist announced that â€Å"Apple turned into the most significant organization ever (in ostensible terms), beating the record that Microsoft hit in December 1999. Apple’s share cost topped at $705 before entering bear an area and falling by 25%, to $510; toward the beginning of 2012 it had been $410. †Apple Incorporated is an American enterprise that structures and fabricates com
Jean-Paul Sartre Essay Example for Free
Jean-Paul Sartre Essay Existentialism centers around the possibility that life has no significance and is viewed as ludicrous. Existential logicians accept that people make their own qualities and decide an importance for their lives in light of the fact that, from the beginning, the individual doesn't have any characteristic worth or personality. â€Å"Existence goes before essence†is one of the most notable existential articulations and depicts how our solid being is a higher priority than its motivation. The existentialism development presented another method of seeing life and was outlined through verse, visual craftsmanship and addressing. Utilizing these techniques artists, craftsmen and scholars had the option to pass on the understanding that scanning for an importance to life is vain, and seeking after it can prompt the edge of complete perception about one’s reason for existing, and thusly can make one perceive that life is just as significant as one portrays it. In â€Å"Freedom versus Determinism†by Tom Greening, the artist logically questions how the universe functions so as to show the peruser the difficulty of knowing why things occur. Greening utilizes the line â€Å"While we contend, life goes by†to outline the point that regardless of how much time and exertion is placed into battling about why things occur, life will ceaselessly push ahead. He is contending that in the event that we sit around endeavoring to comprehend the significance of life, we will just arrive at the edge of comprehension. Through the battle to accomplish this â€Å"understanding,†our own lives can start to evade us. In â€Å"Untitled†by Jackson Pollock, the craftsman utilizes theoretical paint dribbling and brush strokes to communicate the possibility that life isn't intended to be comprehended. With the artistic creation, Pollock is indicating how life is dynamic now and again, particularly when its significance is sought after. This is like the thought in the bringing together topical explanation of the uselessness of looking for the importance of life. Life’s possible significance isn't intended to be seen, much like the artistic creation. In â€Å"Existentialism is a Humanism†by Jean-Paul Sartre, the instructor safeguards existentialism from reactions of being negative and miserable. He clarifies that man emerges during childbirth, and simply after this happens would he be able to make a big deal about himself, making his own existence with no outside power pushing him. He expresses that man is the thing that he considers himself to be, and that's it. Sartre says â€Å"man is nothing other than what he thinks about himself,†to pass on the thought like the one in the binding together topical proclamation, that life is just as critical as an individual describes it. Every one of the three existentialists utilized their mediums to arrive at the resolution that there isn't one solid importance to life. Every individual puts significance to their own lives. Through understanding this rule significance of existentialism, Greening, Pollock and Sartre showed the way that one ought to understand the insignificant presence of life is the main thing that issues, and ought not be squandered on vain endeavors to comprehend its importance.
Friday, August 21, 2020
On the Grand Finale in Samuel Clemenss :: essays papers
On the Grand Finale in Samuel Clemenss Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) not just recounts to a story in this acclaimed commitment to American writing, he likewise goes to incredible length to delineate cultivated mankind in a light that is definitely not breathtaking or heavenly. Truth be told, his portrayals of run of the mill agents of society in regards to their inspirations, activities, propensities, and ethics are passed on with nuance however with obvious basic aims. The metatextual parts of this work show up slowly however increase close to the end until the novel arrives at a point where it starts to verge on the ridiculous, an artistic angle investigated all the more completely by later essayists, for example, dramatist Samuel Beckett. Unmistakable components of foolishness appear when Huck Finn looks for Jim, his kindred voyager on the pontoon, who had been sold as a runaway slave by a swindler. Over the span of this hunt, Huck discovers the homestead of Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas who botch him for Tom Sawyer. Huck obliges this error, making a circumstance that gets intensified when the genuine Tom Sawyer appears. The last mentioned, be that as it may, volunteers to oblige the stratagem by acting first like a more abnormal and afterward as his own sibling Sid. The epic portrays Huck Finn as a character who figured out how to take care of himself at an early age and is accustomed to making due by his brains. He needs formal instruction, and obviously he jumps at the chance to see himself as un-sivilized, however he is savvy enough to squirm himself out of practically any trouble. His insight shows itself in an uncanny capacity to perceive human inspirations and inadequacies and to act in like manner. In any case, he doesn't misuse individuals and for the most part will not bargain his own ethical code which is genuinely exacting and incredibly traditional. Tom Sawyer, by examination, is an all around read kid who unmistakably speaks to Clemens' perspective on the scholarly groups and parts of society. The image that rises when Huck and Tom begin to work together is one of practically unending clash of the two in their shared journey of a typical target: the freedom of Jim. Clemens transforms this contention into a blow for blow examination of a respect understudy from the school of harsh times in the purported genuine world and his partner from the school of human progress who works generally by utilizing information obtained from books.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
10 Facts About Students and Plagiarism
10 Facts About Students and Plagiarism (0) Referencing as anti-plagiarism isn’t a topic that’s exclusively practiced and enforced in educational settings. Plagiarism prevention is a lifelong, practical skill; one that is especially important in today’s information-rich society. Educators spend countless hours teaching responsible use. Nearly every secondary and higher education institution has a plagiarism policy in place and professors strive hard to enforce them. But, is it enough? How do students really feel about plagiarism? Are educators bogging them down, year after year, with plagiarism prevention? Are students confident with the process by the time they reach college? What’s really happening in students’ minds when it comes to citing and writing? With these questions in mind, the team at set out to determine how students truly feel about plagiarism. We placed a 12-question survey on our website from November through December 2018. A total of 4,953 participants completed the survey. Of the respondents, 67% were undergraduate students. Here’s what our findings revealed… 1. Students fear disciplinary action One thing’s for sure, being accused of plagiarism is something students want to steer clear of. A total of 70% of respondents said they fear disciplinary action. Kudos to schools that have made it clear that plagiarism is unacceptable and not tolerated. On the other hand, 30% of students said they do not fear disciplinary action. Perhaps these students have the knowledge and skills in place to be confident with their writing and reference work. Instead of instilling a sense of fear in students, schools can promote confidence by allowing students to make mistakes, refine, and reflect on their work. A confident writer is a writer who is less likely to feel pressured to plagiarize. 2. Are students aware that plagiarism has severe consequences? Not only do students fear disciplinary action, they understand what those consequences may be. Here’s a breakdown of the consequences students know they could face: A total of 90% of respondents understand that they could lose points on an assignment or receive a bad grade. Furthermore, “if your university finds that you have directly plagiarized, you will likely be expelled from your program or university†(Shabe). A total of 84% of respondents recognize this as a consequence. It may seem unrealistic to some, but legal prosecution and/or a monetary fine are real concerns for many students. In 2017, the Department of Education in England announced that any university student caught submitting a pre-written essay could face fines and a criminal record (Pells). A study done by Philip Newton, at the University of Swansea, found that new undergraduates felt that “academic misconduct should be modestly penalized compared to the standard penalties imposed by the UK higher educational sector.†3. Worried about citing incorrectly Even with all of the measures that teachers and schools put in place to educate students on citing, 66% of students stated that they worry about citing incorrectly. This anxiety could be due to the exorbitant amount of citation styles and structures available. Maybe teachers place too large of a weighted grade on citing properly. Or, perhaps students are just generally confused about the process. A similar study, conducted by Cengage Learning, found that 25% of students felt as though their peers are “very concerned†about citing incorrectly (Strang). Thankfully, students have numerous online resources and reference generators available to help. In addition, librarians are incredibly helpful resources to seek out for help with references. 4. Students feel they have received enough information on how to cite Each year, from elementary school through college, students hand in tons of research papers and assignments. It’s a repetitive activity, polished and refined, year after year. Even with the consistent and repetitive practice of learning about plagiarism prevention, close to one third of students (28%) feel that they have not received enough information on how to cite. A total of 29% of students feel neutral on topic as they neither agree nor disagree that they’ve received enough information on how to cite. A mere 42% said they have received enough information on how to cite. It’s clear that schools and educators are simply not doing enough. Katie Malcolm, an instructional consultant at the University of Washington’s Center for Teaching and Learning suggests the following approaches for educators: Share a few sample essays in class and showcase how the writers effectively used language and ideas from other sources. Provide a 5-10 minute review of MLA format, APA format, or your chosen citation style. Share links to helpful online resources. Clarify reference expectations in class and in the assignment prompt. In extremely large classes, TA’s can be a helpful resource for individualized attention. Instead of focusing on perfection, encourage students to do their own writing. There will be mistakes along the way, but the only way to learn from those mistakes is to focus on effort. Refine mistakes and clear any misconceptions related to plagiarism. Furthermore, John English and Chris Ireland, from the University of Huddersfield’s Business School, found success when students had whole group and private instruction on their writing content, rather than their writing issues (related to tenses, transitions, punctuation, proper usage of a noun, conjunction, adverb, etc.). In addition, students found success when they were assigned shorter writing tasks. 5. 1/3 of students are not aware that common knowledge does not need to be cited According to the University of Cambridge, “common knowledge is information that could be generally known to an educated reader.†One example is that Steve Jobs was the co-founder of Apple. This fact doesn’t need a reference, since most people know this to be true. While 64% of students understand that common knowledge does not require a reference, 19% weren’t sure and 17% incorrectly said yes, common knowledge requires a reference. In order to answer this question, students needed to know the definition of “common knowledge.†Perhaps students were unfamiliar with the term as it wasn’t defined in our survey. In addition, common knowledge statements can be tricky since they “can change depending on your culture, geographic location, age, or other factors†(Caldeira Traylor). Not all outside facts need a reference, but “if you are in doubt as to whether something in your discipline is common knowledge or not, it would be best to reference your source†(University of Cambridge). Think about the individual or group who plan on reading your paper. If you think you’re using a statement that is well-known, forget the reference. Cheers to one less thing to do on your to-do list! 6. Lost points for incorrect citations Nothing is worse than spending hours writing a stellar research paper and then losing points in the end for incorrect citations. A staggering number of students, 42%, have lost points for citing incorrectly. Thankfully, there are online generators to help students create, modify, and add references to their papers. Many of these tools create citations instantly. Students should take advantage of the numerous online resources available, including guides and generators. In addition, “if your university provides extra modules or lectures on this, make sure you attend.†If they don’t, let them know it’s needed (Young-Powell). Need some evidence to backup your request? Share the findings from this report! 7. The most common citation mistakes students report are… It’s no surprise that 81% of students state that the most common citation errors they make are related to formatting citations incorrectly. Formatting references is confusing! There are many rules related to the placement of punctuation, italics, and quotation marks. In addition, some styles have a specific structure for each and every source type. Once again, here’s where generators can truly help. They’ll format the citations properly, in more styles than even imaginable. It definitely doesn’t hurt to take a quick glance at a reference guide prior to submitting a paper. Full, in-depth guides can be found on generator sites. Many have an added bonus of grammar guides, too, where you can brush up on your verb and pronoun skills. 8. Ghostwriting Buying an online paper When asked if, “buying a pre-written paper online is a form of plagiarism†a staggering 22% of students were either not sure (13%) or stated that it’s not a form of plagiarism (9%). It’s a relief to see that 78% understand that purchasing a pre-written paper, also called “ghostwriting,†is in fact a form of plagiarism. Students purchase pre-written papers due to academic pressures, inefficient time to complete tasks due to job responsibilities, and professors assigning and recycling prompts that are easily found on ghostwriting sites. Legislation is being pushed to not only ban essay-mill sites, but ban their advertisements as well (Marsh). Is it worth it to purchase a pre-written paper on an essay-mill? Absolutely not. Fifty-six students at Macquarie University, in Sydney, Australia, were referred to the disciplinary committee for hearings in 2015. Of that number, 36 were found guilty. Two students had their degrees revoked and 10 were prevented from graduating. The moral of the story? Don’t even think about. 9. Reference sources when copying and pasting from a website When the digital revolution hit, educators feared the worst. In just a few simple clicks, students could copy online content and paste it into their assignments. Yes, the increased use of websites, digital databases, and online periodicals have resulted in lots of copying and pasting, but one thing’s for sure, students understand they need to create a citation for that copied content. Ninety-seven percent of our respondents stated that a citation is needed for any copied material. Just a small percentage, 2%, said they weren’t sure, and 1% said no, a citation was not needed. Even though students understand the need for a citation, some still get in trouble for this exact offense. Why? Sloppy notes are one reason to blame. One recommendation to avoid this? “Take careful notes and reference as you go†(Young-Powell). Additionally, students understand the need to reference text, but may forget about other types of media. Students must reference, “images and media, designs, or works of art†(RMIT University). 10. Automated plagiarism and citation tools are popular among students Online tools allow students to focus more time on locating and analyzing their research sources and less on the time-consuming act of properly forming references and bibliographies. A total of 73% of students take advantage of online citation tools that structure references according to the citation style of choice. Students have numerous source types to choose from and are able to fully and easily build their works cited or reference pages. What about the 27% of students who do not use citation tools? Hopefully, they decide to jump on the bandwagon soon. When it comes to plagiarism tools, 50% of students make use of sites that offer these services. Not only will these sites scan papers for any instances of unintentional plagiarism, they’ll also provide spelling and grammar suggestions. Many are built with innovative technology that provide instantaneous suggestions. Using a plagiarism checker is like having a virtual writing tutorâ€"without the high costs and awkward small talk! The best part about these tools? They’re not only used by students who are writing research papers. They’re great for anyone looking to learn about citing and writing. Many online tools provide full guides on reference styles and parts of speech topics. If you’re feeling rusty on proper usage of a preposition, interjection, or determiner, these sites can help! is just one website which offers all of these handy resources and tools, plus so much more. Works Cited List “Academic Integrity.†RMIT University, www.rmit.edu.au/students/student-essentials/rights-and-responsibilities/academic-integrity. Caldeira, P., and M Traylor. “Understanding Plagiarism: Common Knowledge.†Laney College Library, updated 19 Sept. 2018, laney.libguides.com/c.php?g=416330p=2836972. Ireland, Chris, and John English. Plagiarism: Let’s Start As We Don’t Mean to Go On. University of Huddersfield, 31 Mar. 2011, eprints.hud.ac.uk/id/eprint/10515/1/IrelandPlagiarismpdf.pdf. Malcolm, Katie. “Plagiarism and Inclusive Teaching: A Perfect Union?†Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Washington, 20 Jan. 2015, www.washington.edu/teaching/2015/01/20/plagiarism/. Marsh, Sarah. “Universities Urged to Block Essay-Mill Sites in Plagiarism Crackdown.†The Guardian, 8 Oct. 2017, www.theguardian.com/education/2017/oct/09/universities-urged-to-block-essay-mill-site-in-plagiarism-crackdown. “Macquarie University Finds 36 Students Cheated Online and Revokes Two Degrees.†The Guardian, 28 May 2015, www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/may/28/macquarie-university-finds-36-students-cheated-online-and-revokes-two-degrees. Newton, Philip. “Academic Integrity: A Quantitative Study of Confidence and Understanding in Students at the Start of Their Higher Education.†Assessment Evaluation in Higher Education, vol. 41, no. 3, 27 Mar. 2015, pp. 482-497. Taylor Francis, doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2015.1024199. Pells, Rachael. “Cheating University Students Could Get Criminal Record for Plagiarised Essays.†Independent, 21 Feb. 2017, www.independent.co.uk/news/education/education-news/cheating-university-students-criminal-records-plagiarised-essays-copy-a7591236.html. “Plagiarism: Common Knowledge.†Cambridge LibGuides, University of Cambridge, updated 22 Oct. 2018, libguides.cam.ac.uk/plagiarism/commonknowledge. Shabe, Lorenza. “Consequences of Plagiarism.†Scribbr, updated 30 Oct. 2018, www.scribbr.com/plagiarism/consequences-of-plagiarism/. Strang, Tami. “Are College Students Concerned About Plagiarism?†Cengage, 7 Sept. 2015, blog.cengage.com/are-college-students-concerned-about-plagiarism/. Young-Powell, Abby. “How Serious is Essay Plagiarism?†The Guardian, 30 Dec. 2017, www.theguardian.com/education/2017/dec/30/is-plagiarism-really-a-growing-problem-in-universities.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
What are The Forms of Government in Animal Farm - Free Essay Example
In the world there are many different kinds of governments. There are democracies and dictatorships and there are tyrannical government as wells as fair governments. I disagree with the idea that, When people fear the government, there is tyranny, and when the government fears the people, there is democracy. Across the 3 texts weve been reading, Animal Farm, Shooting an Elephant and The Hanging there are many examples of different types of government as well as different perspectives on those governments. Through these 3 texts it is very clear the reason some governments are fairer and less tyrannical then others is not the mindset of the people but the way the rulers are using their power. The first reason I disagree with this prompt is the way the government uses its power in Animal Farm.In Animal Farm we see the government undergo many changes. In the first chapters of the book the farm is under the control of Mr.Jones and the humans. Under his control we see an extremely tyrannical government; the animals are underfed, overworked and are completely unhappy with their lives but they dont do anything about it. In theses first chapters we see that the animals are very afraid of the government and we do see tyranny take place so that agrees with the prompt. However as the story progresses and the pigs take the power from the humans, the people stop fearing the government and begin trusting it. While the animals trust in the government increases, the amount of tyranny taking place doesnt. At first the pigs allow a council of animals to vote on decisions and the farm becomes a happier place for everyone but as the pigs, specifically Napoleon, become more power hungry, Nap oleon starts taking things into his own hands and making the decisions for the farm himself as well as dealing with the humans who are supposed to be the animals enemy. One large example of the tyranny that takes place under Napoleons control is the massacre that occurs in chapter 7. During this Napoleon forces the animals to confess to participating in a conspiracy with Snowball, another pig who left the farm, and kills everyone who confesses even though he forced them to. He also cuts the rations of the hens unless they give up their eggs to him which causes 9 hens to die. It is very clear that Napoleons government is very tyrannical but the animals trust him. Although they may be brainwashed they are still trusting of him and do not really fear the government, they believe that Napoleon is doing the right thing. The mindset of the people does not change but Napoleon starts taking advantage of his power and that is what leads to the corruption of the farm.This is an example of an extremely tyrannical government where the people do not fear their leader. Another reason I disagree with this prompt is the mindset of George Orwell in Shooting an Elephant. In this text we see a government that is very scared of its people, or at least the employees of the government are. George Orwell was a high ranking British official based in Burma where Britain was supposed to be the ruling government. Orwell was in a position of power and he got a call that an elephant was on the loose. He followed the lead and found the elephant but was left with the difficult decision of whether or not to shoot it. He didnt want to shoot the elephant at all but he was so scared of what the Burmese people would think if he didnt go through with it that he ended up shooting and killing the innocent elephant despite what he believed would have been the right thing to do. In the text he states And suddenly I realized that I should have to shoot the elephant after all. The people expected it of me and I had got to do it. In this quote we see how the people really had t he control over the Government even if it didnt seem like it. The opinion of the people mattered so much to George Orwell that he ended up killing an innocent animal, which he regrets for the rest of his life. Here we see a situation where the government fears the people, but that doesnt make it a democracy. Britain was still the ruling power in Burma and had control over all its people, just because the people werent scared of the British doesnt mean it wasnt a tyrannical government. The Burmese people were still extremely discriminated against by the British and were constantly killed and punished for unfair reasons. Even though the Burmese people were the ones who in a way, were in control of Orwell, the dynamic of this government comes from how those higher up in Britain have treated the Burmese people throughout the years. This shows how even if the government fears the people there could still be tyranny. Some people might say though that the text The Hanging does support the prompt. In The Hanging George Orwell has to witness the hanging of a man during his time serving the British Government in Burma. In this text George Orwell recounts his experience of being at a mans hanging. After the hanging everyone starts chattering gaily and nobody seems to really regard the mans life that they just took. In this example we do see a tyrannical government in which the people are afraid of the government but the reason the government is like that is not people of the peoples fear, its because of the way the government uses its power. The government could choose to not execute its citizens and treat them with a little more respect but it doesnt, and thats not because the people are afraid of it, it because the people in charge are just using their power unfairly. This is the case in many governments across the world and we see multiple times in this text that the main cause of tyranny is people abusing their power and not the overall fear of the people. In conclusion there are many valid reasons among the 3 George Orwell texts that agree with the prompt of when people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is democracy. All 3 of these texts provide a different insight into government and how it can be corrupted. The Hangingand Shooting an Elephant give a very real insight into what its like to work for an unfair government while being surrounded by its people and Animal Farm gives an interesting commentary on the events of the communist revolution through the eyes of animals on a farm. The discussion of government and power dynamics comes up very often throughout these texts and everyone handles it a different way but they all come to same conclusion of how easily a government can turn tyrannical. Although having the people fear their government does help encourage a tyrannical government and having the government fear its people helps encourage a democracy those are not the 2 deciding fa ctors, in the end its about the people behind the government and the way they conduct their power.
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